

PoliArte (L’Arte delle Arti)

Gabriele Basilico, Alberto Garutti, Ugo La Pietra, Corrado Levi, Alessandro Mendini

Galleria Enrico Astuni Bologna
from 01.02.2019 to 27.04.2019

Curated by: Giacinto Di Pietrantonio

Press release: PDF

As the curator writes, this is an exhibition of five artists linked by the fact that they all studied architecture at the Polytechnic University in the metro-polis of Milan, but with only the partial intention, or none at all, to follow a career in architecture. For various reasons, two of them have apparently never practised architecture (Basilico, Garutti), while the other three (La Pietra, Levi and Mendini) have done so in such an unorthodox manner that they, like Garutti and Basilico, cannot be described simply as architects but rather as polyvalent artists, which is precisely the capacity they assume in this polymorphic exhibition. As a consequence, the exhibition can also be considered a reflection on the status of the arts, which in Italy, especially in the past, was frequently polymorphic, in other words free from the restrictions of specialisation that have become customary in contemporary art. (…)

It is on this relationship between Art and the Arts, Art and Life, or the Arts and Lives that we intend to focus through the work of Basilico, Garutti, La Pietra, Levi and Mendini, who, with their poly-artistic ability, give us art, life and the world.