

Enrico Astuni with his wife Rosetta Giorgi first opened his gallery in Fano, Marche (Italy) in 1992. The gallery quickly earned acclaim for showing the work of established artists that made the Italian art history like Carla Accardi, Aldo Mondino, Luigi Ontani and Concetto Pozzati, and emerging artists like Bruno Ceccobelli and Omar Galliani. Since the beginning emerged the gallery’s strong commitment to work in collaboration with local public administrations for the territory and leading Italian art critics like Achille Bonito Oliva, Martina Corgnati and Walter Guadagnini.

In 2000 Galleria Enrico Astuni relocated to Pietrasanta, Tuscany
 (Italy) and confirmed its ethos by carrying on exhibition programs focused on Maestri of Italian Abstractism like Carla Accardi, of Arte Povera like Pier Paolo Calzolari, of Transavanguardia like Sandro Chia and on polyhedric artists like Aldo Mondino and Luigi Ontani. Increasing its commitments on the territory, Galleria Enrico Astuni organisez big exhibitions in collaboration with local public administrations in places of particularly relevance, among which Il Marmo e la Celluloide exhibition inside the historical  “Villa la Versigliana”.

In 2005 Galleria Enrico Astuni extended its attention on contemporary art new tendencies. By collaborating with external curators as Fabio Cavallucci, Luca Beatrice, Michele Robecchi and Alessandra Pace, it started to promote works by young artists like Janis AvotinsMartin BorowskiIzumi KatoMassimo Kaufmann, Chosil Kil, Luca Pozzi and David Shaw.

In 2009 Galleria Enrico Astuni expanded and opened a new exhibition space in Bologna. Emilia Romagna (Italy), in a building from the 20s, originally used as warehouse for the railways. Afterwards, damaged by the events of the World War II, it was partially rebuilt. Over the years, many renovations have been carried out; the most recent was in 2008, specifically made to house the new headquarters of Galleria Enrico Astuni, and includes the site-specific artistic intervention Patina by Bernd Trasberger for the car park.

One of the major and largest commercial spaces in Bologna, with 230 square-metre exhibition space, Galleria Enrico Astuni ethos remains consistent to promote Masters as well as the innovative, experimental and research approaches by younger internationally recognized artists.

In the same year it started the project ASTUNIpublicSTUDIO, with exhibitions and events less involved in the market, including: Viva l’Italia, curated by Fabio Cavallucci; Broken Fall, curated by Giovanni Iovane and Alessandra Pace; A Chi Ti Stai Rivolgendo / Who is Your Audience, curated by Lorenzo Bruni. Among the artists invited to show: Rossella Biscotti, John Bock, Maurizio Cattelan, Paolo Chiasera, Attila Csörgő, Nemanja Cvijanovic, Susan Hiller, Christoph Keller, Daniel Knorr, Joel Kyack, Nick Laessing, Tim Lee, Marcello Maloberti, Andrea Melloni, Gianni Motti, Bruce Nauman, Stefano W. Pasquini, Joao Penalva, Cesare Pietroiusti, Leonardo Pivi, Luca Pozzi, Tobias Putrih, Richard Rigg, Jens Risch, Roman Signer, Kamen Stoyanov, Annika Ström, Sislej Xhafa, Mario Ybarra Junior.

Nowadays the Galleria Astuni follows a curatorial line oriented to the dialogue between historicized authors and internationally recognized younger artists like, among others, Carla Accardi, Suzanne Lacy, David Medalla, Maurizio Mochetti, Maurizio Nannucci, Gianni Piacentino, Shaun Gladwell, Christian Jankowski and Øystein Aasan. Moreover continues AstuniPublicStudio exhibition program, focused to new trends in contemporary art, for artists under 40.